Our very first breeding (and most likely the last)! We are proud to present 4 puppies from Cody and Luna. It has been a very busy few months rearing our first litter. A roller coaster ride of emotions. Just gotten some bit of extra time to post this. To the people who helped us and saw these pups grow in these few months, thank you. To Boris, who left us, we hope that you are running free :'(
Dam: Moon Rider ‘Luna‘
Sire: Little Rascal ‘Cody‘
Born: August 10, 2016
- Puppy 1: Lupus Fenris (Bi-Eyes – Blue and Amber; Red and White; Male)
- Puppy 2: Lupus Boris (Black and White; Male; Deceased)
- Puppy 3: Lupus Draco (Black Eyes; Black and White; Male)
- Puppy 4: Lupus Mischa (Amber Eyes; Red and White; Female)

See the full album at our Facebook Page: Cody x Luna – Letter ‘L’